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Weddings With Lisa, LLC
Ohio Wedding Officiant.- Lisa Stanton
Ohio Marriage Laws

To be married in the State of Ohio: 

  •      You do not need a blood test.
  •      There is no waiting period.
  •       Witnesses are not necessary in Ohio.
  •      There is a restriction on age.(17)
  •      There is a restriction on closeness of kinship between the couple
  •      Prior marriages must be dissolved.
  •      And where you must purchase your Marriage License.
  •      Ohio residents may be married anywhere within the state.
  •       Same Sex Marriage is legal in Ohio

When going to the county court house to get your license, both of you will need to take:

    •      Your birth certificate
    •      Social Security card
    •      Government issued I.D.

o        Driver’s License
o        State Issued I.D.
o        Visa
o        Passport

If you are not an Ohio resident, you will need to:

  •      Get married in the county your marriage license is obtained.
  •      If marrying an Ohio resident, you must be married within the county the resident lives
  •      All licenses are valid for 60 (sixty) days.

If you are a minor: 

  • The Ohio Revised Code statue 3101.05 requires that any applicant for a marriage license who is a minor must provide proof of having had marriage counseling prior to applying for the license.
  • The counseling can be provided by clergy or a person licensed by the State of Ohio to provide counseling.
  • Proof of counseling may be in the form of a letter to the Court from the person who provided the counseling on his or her letterhead.
  • Your parent must sign giving permission.

 If you have previously been married:

  •     need to bring a certified copy of your divorce decree
  •     a copy of a deceased spouse’s death certificate.

Marriage License fees vary by county. Cuyahoga County charges $60.00. 

Common Law Marriages are no longer recognized by the State of Ohio unless the couple entered into a common law marriage before October 10, 1991.